Are Social Media Gurus Talking To Themselves?

TwitterThere are many ebooks, articles, etc. talking about how you can use Twitter as a marketing channel. The number grows further when you include periscope and other video channels that rely on Twitter. Before you jump in, you need to take a look and see if your target market is on Twitter. Based on the latest quarterly results that Twitter reported, the answer is only yes if you’re targeting social media gurus.

Despite the number of people swearing by Twitter, the service is not growing and not attracting a general audience. Twitter has a huge following among the media, tech people and social media gurus. If this is who you are trying to reach, jump right in,. The water is fine.

If that’s not your target market, chances are you are wasting your time trying to market on Twitter. Wall Street is betting that someone will buy Twitter because it isn’t succeeding as a standalone business because they are not reaching the audiences that they, and your business, need. It turns out that social media gurus who swear by Twitter are mostly just targeting other social media gurus.