5 Body Language Tricks to Instantly Boost Your Confidence

Who is your customerFeeling like your confidence could use a boost? Don’t stress about it; we all feel anxious and less than fully confident from time to time. When we’re in that situation, what we really need to get ourselves moving again with confidence is actually to do just that–to change the way our bodies are moving.

Here are five body-language tricks to make you feel instantly more confident. Check them out to turn down your insecurities while you turn up your positive self-regard.

1. Smile.

It seems silly to smile for no reason, but somehow, our brains are able to be affected by the emotions we tell it to feel more often than not. Even if we smile to no one but ourselves, cracking a grin instantly boosts our self-esteem levels–maybe even subliminally reminding us of times that felt better. When your confidence is lagging, try smiling and see what happens.

Read the entire article in Inc. Magazine