Are You Measuring What Matters?

measures Business people are inundated with numbers and metrics. You can measure almost anything. As a side effect, you can make decisions based on any metric you choose. Choosing the correct item to measure is crucial to your decision making process.

As an example let’s say you decided you wanted to lose weight. You start exercising, dieting and lifting weights. The result of this lifestyle change is that you have built up your muscles. When you get on the scale, however, you have only lost one pound. Is your weight the proper measure to use. Muscle weighs more than fat does. Did you measure your waistline? If your waistline shows you you lost 2 inches, then you may be succeeding in your goal despite what the scale says.

To decide what metrics to use, you need to examine your goal. Why is this your goal. In our example, is your goal really to lose weight or is it to be healthier or to be slimmer. If you want to lose weight, the scale is your measure. If you want to be healthier, your heart rate and blood pressure would be better measures. If you want to be slimmer, your waistline is the measure to watch.

Make sure your measure matches your goal.