Realistic New Year’s Goals

By:  Cailin McBee

Self Care Goals

2020 has been one of the most challenging years in modern times.  Now, more than ever, our health should be on the forefront of our minds.  When the New Year arrives, many people make resolutions; but chasing unrealistic goals in order to create unsustainable changes often yields frustration and discouragement.  This doesn’t just refer to your business, but goals to take care of yourself and improve your life as well.

This year, instead of doing an entire ‘overhaul’ of every single daily activity, choose ONE area to focus.  Often, when realistic goals are set, and met, other areas feel less daunting to adapt.  

Some common life aspects where people want to see change include:  diet/food choices, physical activity, sleep, self-care integration, and decreasing stress.  Most of these areas are entwined; meaning making a change to one aspect also affects another.  For example, when you commit to creating restful sleep habits, it naturally decreases stress levels.  Or when you incorporate movement into your life, making better food choices seems like an easier transition.  

Remember also that small steps add up to more systemic changes.  If your goal is to integrate self-care into your personal routine, it doesn’t mean you have to book a daily massage.  It could be something small that helps you refill your bucket.  Perhaps a 10 minute daily meditation or blocking time in your calendar to watch a movie are some ways that bring you joy. 

Finally, tracking your milestones and creating rewards for hitting those goals is another way to encourage sustainable and lifelong changes to habits.  But be sure the reward doesn’t derail your efforts.  If you made successful food choices and were finally able to get into that pair of pants that have been hanging in your closet, don’t make an extra dessert your reward.  Instead, buying a new pair of sneakers or upgrading your earbuds will help reinforce your activity and make it even more enjoyable.  

The current health crisis will hopefully encourage us to understand how our daily habits can either support an immune system or diminish it.  Making daily, positive choices for our optimal health is our best way to ring in the New Year.  Be Well!

Cailin McBee, BS, LMT, RM holds a bachelor degree in Sports Medicine, is a board-certified, CT-licensed massage therapist, Reiki Master, Presenter, Speaker and owner of Balance Massage & Wellness Center, located in Newington, CT.  For more information please visit her website.

To find out how a Modern Observer Group coach or advisory group can help you set and meet your goals, contact us here.