The 2016 Entrepreneur (Part I): Yes! You Can Be An Entrepreneur

entrepreneurshipMost people have an image in their heads of what an entrepreneur is. The tech genius in a garage or the person pulling an all-nighter several times a week to get their dream of the ground. The truth is that most entrepreneurs work in company its that they don’t own or work as a consultant or freelancer. Not only is it easier than ever to be an entrepreneur it is becoming necessary. Large companies are hiring more people as consultants and freelancers than they are full time employees.

Over this series of articles, we’ll examine the different ways to be an entrepreneur and how you can make the switch. The first part of that switch is your mindset.  Ask yourself who you work for. If you are answering the name of a company or the name of your boss, it’s time to change your mindset.

You work for you. Your job is your business. Your family is your business. How can that be? Business is just a system for getting things done. In your life you have to budget, prioritize, achieve goals, and communicate with others. You are the CEO of your life, and it is time for you let loose the entrepreneur within.