The Art Of Business

artWhat comes to mind when you hear the word artist? Do you think of painters putting broad swashes of color on canvas? How about sculptors creating masterpieces out of blocks of clay or granite? Perhaps you think of singers or writers or filmmakers. Art is about the possible and the potential. It is about taking mundane items (paints, canvas, clay, paper, sounds, words) and putting them together so they go beyond what was thought to be possible and fulfill their potential for beauty, for knowledge, for anything at all.

In the play “City of Angels” writer Larry Gelbart (best known for the television show M*A*S*H and the movie “Tootsie”) has a writer describe what happens when he has to start to write. The character explains that the paper comes in “Blank. Both sides. No clue, no instructions enclosed on how to take just twenty-six letters and endlessly rearrange them so that you can turn them into a mirror of a part of our lives.”

Business is no different. The entrepreneur starts with the mundane, the parts of what the product or service will be. From there, the entrepreneur imagines and unlocks the potential within. From the raw materials and ideas the entrepreneur creates a product or service that people want to buy because it fills a need. More than that, it makes people feel good. People don’t go out to eat because they need food to survive. If that was all it was they could grab a few groceries and eat them as is. Turning ingredients into a recipe and serving it in a particular way, makes people feel good.  A product isn’t what people want, it gives them what they want. The CEO of Black and Decker once pointed out to his staff that people don’t want drills, they want holes. The entrepreneur must see what people want and find elegant, exciting ways to provide it.

To find out how The Modern Observer Group can unleash the artist in your business, contact us here.