The Case For Persistence

coca-colaWhile anyone who has ever tried anything new wants to succeed on the first try, it doesn’t happen all that often. Even successes may not look good at first. Use in point: A man invented a new product and launched a company to market it. In the first year the company sold 25 units for gross sales of $1.25. You read that right. In all fairness, the company was formed in 1886 so five cents a unit was worth more than it is now, but it still only sold 25 units. They could have concluded that the operation was a failure and closed up shop. Had they done so, the world would never have known Coca Cola.

In order to become the company it is now, Coca Cola started with losses and poor sales. It’s the same way most companies start out. Just because success isn’t evident at the beginning doesn’t mean you give up. It might take a lot of hard work to get where you’re going or it might be just ahead of you. If you don’t know, don’t assume the worst. Most ventures that close down, do so when they are very close to success.

Keep at it. You too could be the real thing.