The Myth Of Work-Life Balance

balancePeople talk about the importance of work-life balance. Trying to “have it all” is a goal of so many people, and it’s more common in millennials. The reason most people never achieve work-life balance is that it doesn’t exist.

Think about the phrase. For work and life to be in balance they have to be two different things. They aren’t. They are integral parts of each other. Your work is the fuel for your life. Your life is the underlying reason for your work. When there is a problem at home, very few people can turn off their feelings during work. When work goes wrong and keeps you up at night, it affects the entirety of your life, not just work.

To achieve what we are really looking for when we say work-life balance you must accept that your work and your life are integrated. Your life will not be what you want if you are doing a job that makes you miserable.  If you feel stuck in your job, find a way to move up or out. You can learn new skills with online courses. Find what you want to do. If you are not in a position to do it now, work towards it.