Think Like an Owner

post-itThere is a common misconception that entrepreneurship is limited to business owners. This is mainly because people tend to have a limited perspective in their jobs. This can be because we don’t have access to additional information or because we believe that broadening our perspective simply isn’t part of our job. And in some situations, a narrower point of view is appropriate.

Organizations benefit greatly when an entrepreneurial mindset is used throughout the company. Think of the McDonald’s franchisee that invented the Big Mac or the employee that came up with the Chicken McNugget. 3M, and offices around the world, benefited from the invention of Post-It notes. These were entrepreneurs working inside larger corporations.

Leaders have to have a high-level perspective. They must think through an issue from all sides and weigh the needs of various stakeholders. So if you want to become a leader in the future, start thinking like one now. If you were the boss, or even the company’s owner, what kinds of problems and opportunities would you need to consider? Who would you need to seek input from? Thinking like a leader doesn’t mean having all the answers, but it does mean always keeping the bigger picture in mind.