Time To Reinvent Yourself


For businesspeople to survive they must always be moving forward. In a difficult economy, you must develop new skills and reapply old ones. Sometimes, this means shifting your industry, shifting your focus, or changing direction completely. A mid-career switch can be challenging, especially if you’ve become pigeonholed in your current role. Instead of becoming stuck contemplating how to move forward, Harvard Business Review recommends these ideas:

  • Craft experiments . Take on freelance or pro bono assignments that allow you to try new roles while staying in your current job. 
  • Shift connections . To move in a new direction, you need a new network. Reach out to people who can give you a fresh perspective on what you’re trying to achieve. 
  • Make sense of it all . Tell others the story of who you hope to become professionally. This will help clarify your intentions and keep you motivated. Plus, you might win the support of your listeners. 

To find out how a Modern Observer coach can help you find your strategy and reinvent yourself, contact us here.