Get Out Of Your Way

Like many others this time of year, I attended a high school graduation ceremony. The ceremony had a rocky start. The school didn’t set up enough chairs (despite knowing exactly how many tickets were distributed). As the ceremony progressed teachers kept bringing in chairs. The problem was completely avoidable. Despite weather forecasts calling for rain, the administration wanted to have the ceremony outside. They didn’t set up inside until just before the ceremony started. If they had gotten out of their own way, everything could have gone smoothly.

This is a common problem. We have a preconceived notion of how things are supposed to be. When events don’t match those notions many people fight against how things are instead of adapting to circumstances.  Whether it is business or in our daily lives, an inability to accept that things are not how we want them be holds us back from accomplishing our goals.

We hold ourselves back when we think that things should be a certain way or must be done in one way. Open yourself up to new possibilities. See how things are and how you can move forward. Trying to make the world match your preconceived notions is like banging your head against a brick wall. You’ll be beaten and exhausted before the wall comes down.

To find out how a Modern Observer Group coach can help you get out of your own way, contact us here.