5 Creative Sales Enablement Hacks to Save You Time

plannerIn the time that it took me to write this headline, I received 3 work-related emails. My co-founder knocked on my office doors to ask for some advice about a product we’re building. And there were 3 million other things that I could have been doing.

Like everyone else reading this blog post, I don’t have enough time in my day. And I am trying to conserve as many moments as I humanly can: I work with a virtual assistant, I create templates for everything, and I delegate projects related to my biggest weaknesses. I also look for strategic areas of optimization. One of my favorite areas of focus is sales enablement.

If you’re in sales or marketing, you’ve probably felt the time-crunch pain of your everyday role more than anyone. You’ve also probably come to recognize the importance of having the right processes in place. Here are a few ideas to help you get started, nominated by a community of fellow super-smart, busy people:
Read the entire article at Business 2 Community