What is Emotional Intelligence?

emotional intelligence

Have you ever been in a situation where you were really mad, but you knew if you yelled or acted out, it would make things worse? Or maybe a friend was feeling sad, and even though they didn’t say much, you just *knew* they needed a hug or some support. These are examples of emotional intelligence at work!

Emotional intelligence, often called EQ (just like IQ but for feelings), is the ability to understand and manage emotions—both your own and other people’s. It helps you handle tough situations, build better relationships, and make good decisions when you’re feeling all sorts of emotions. Here’s how it breaks down:


This is about knowing your own feelings. Imagine you’re nervous about a big test. Instead of ignoring that feeling, you recognize it: “I’m nervous because this test is important to me.” Self-awareness helps you understand why you’re feeling a certain way, which is the first step in dealing with your emotions.


Once you understand how you feel, the next step is knowing how to control those feelings. Let’s say you’re angry because someone cut in front of you in line. Self-management means instead of yelling, you take a deep breath and stay calm. You can still stand up for yourself, but in a way that doesn’t make the situation worse.


Empathy means being able to understand how someone else is feeling. For example, if a friend is upset because they got left out of a group, you might not be feeling the same way, but you can imagine how they must feel. Empathy helps you be kind and supportive to others, which makes your friendships stronger.

Social skills

These are the skills that help you get along with others. Being able to listen well, solve conflicts, or even cheer someone up when they’re feeling down are all part of emotional intelligence. Good social skills make teamwork, friendships, and relationships a lot easier and more fun.


Motivation in emotional intelligence is about staying positive and focused even when things are tough. Imagine you want to learn how to skateboard, but you keep falling. Someone with high emotional intelligence would keep going, even when it’s frustrating because they believe they can improve with practice.

Why Does Emotional Intelligence Matter?

Emotional intelligence helps you succeed in life, not just because it makes you smarter about your feelings, but because it helps you connect with others. Whether you’re at school, playing sports, or just hanging out with friends, understanding and managing emotions can make everything easier and more enjoyable.

Being able to “read the room” (understanding what people around you are feeling) and keeping your cool when you’re upset are superpowers in everyday life. Emotional intelligence can help you make better choices, avoid unnecessary fights, and build strong, healthy friendships.

Can You Improve Your Emotional Intelligence?

Absolutely! Like learning how to ride a bike, emotional intelligence is something you can practice and get better at. Pay attention to how you feel, think about how others might feel, and practice staying calm in stressful situations. Over time, you’ll become more in tune with your emotions and those around you.

In short, emotional intelligence is about being smart with your feelings—and that’s a skill that can help you all your life!

See how a Modern Observer Group coach can help you improve your emptional intelligence.  Schedule a call here or contact us at the information below. Modern Observer Group programs are based on the Businetiks system as detailed in the book, “The Businetiks Way.”