Grab Their Attention

To get audiences to pay attention, pay each person you’re trying to reach $1,000.

While that would probably work, I don’t recommend it. So why would I say it? To keep you reading. You didn’t expect a comment like that, so you want to know more. Why would I say that? Am I really recommending it? How can that possibly be cost effective, never mind profitable? You want to know more because it was unexpected, and that’s what I want you to remember.

How many speeches have you sat through? How many articles and books have you read? They all tend to blend together don’t they? If you hear, read, or see something unexpected, it stands out. You don’t want to be part of the crowd. Be unexpected. The television show “The Twilight Zone” turned the unexpected into an art form. Each episode had a twist that you didn’t see coming. Now, more than fifty years later, people still remember that “To Serve Man” is the title of a cookbook and yes, there really was something on the airplane wing. The unexpected sticks with you.