Reboot Your Business and Refresh Your Mind

distractionIf you want to succeed, both personally and professionally, you need to reboot periodically. The constant pressure of daily life, pending projects, and never-ending deadlines takes a physical and mental toll that will keep you from doing your best work. In order to get your best performance, here are some tips to reboot.

  • Close The Files: Take your files from the past year (quarter, whatever period of time you choose) and move them into a seperate file. Get them out of your current files and place them somewhere that keeps them accessible if you need them, but that you won’t be looking at every day. These are things you don’t need to use, so get them out of your way.
  • Schedule Down Time: Too many of us wait to take vacations until we’re so burnt out that one week isn;t enough to recover. Schedule a few hours each week that you don’t answer the phone, don’t look at e-mail or twitter, and don’t surf the web. This is time to read a book (preferably not a business book), listen to music, watch a movie, go for a run, play sports, etc. This “me time” gives you the mental break to help you recharge on a regular basis and not burn out.
  • Make Some Big Goals: We talk a lot about the importance of goals in running your business, but they can also help you recharge. Set a goal that you will get a new big screen television, spend a week on the beach, get the luxury car you’ve always wanted. The main factor is that the goal has to be something you will have fun with, not a sales goal or productivity metric. Find a picture that represents the goal and post it where you can see it frequently.

Your work and you life are intertwined. When something is wrong with one, the other suffers. Reboot periodically to keep both in working order.