What Impression Does Your Email Make?


Every time you reach out to someone, you make an impression. With email, most of us dash off a quick message and don’t think about the impression we are making. Every part of that email, from your email address and subject line to the body of the message, adds or subtracts from that impression. Here are some things to help you put your best foot forward.

  • Get a custom domain: If you are using your email for business, don’t use a free email address. Having your company name in the domain gives you a more professional image. If you want to be taken seriously, it’s time to ditch your hotmail account. Save that for family.
  • Personalization: Use people’s names. If you are sending a mass email, make sure any personalization is done correctly. When an email shows up in an inbox addressed to Dear {Last Name} you’ve just been sent to Junk.
  • Spelling and grammar: Take the time to proofread your email. Don’t rely on spell check or autocorrect. Just because the system says it is spelled correctly, doesn’t mean it is the right word.

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