Effective Email Means Paying Attention

effective email

We use email more than ever, so you need to make sure your words reflect what you actually want to say and how you want to say it. Ask yourself these questions before hitting send to ensure effective email.

  • Is my email the right length? People are busy and attention spans are short. Emails that are too long don’t get read in their entirety. Short emails aren’t necessarily better. Make sure you share all important details that the recipient needs. It will save both of you from having to clarify things down the road.
  • Did I check for typos? Sloppy emails make it seem like you’re too busy to care, so take the time to proofread and check your grammar. Business emails need to be professional. It makes you look bad to have emails full of misspelled words and shows a lack of respect for the recipient. Unprofessional emails give the impression that the recipient is not worth your time.
  • What tone am I projecting? It’s always hard to interpret an email that simply reads “Ok.” If you don’t have time for a thoughtful response in the moment, tell your recipient you’ll get back to them later. We need to remember that emails have no facial expressions, no vocal cues, and no body language to put the message into context. (Emojis don’t count. Very often they are taken out of context as well.)
  • Would it be helpful to talk instead? If you receive a vague or confusing email — or if the topic at hand is sensitive — a call might be the best way to resolve the issue. There are times when a 2-minute call can accomplish more than hours of back and forth emails. Make sure you are using the correct medium for the situation.

Giving your emails more careful attention will ensure you’re sending an effective email that conveys the right message. To find out how a Modern Observer Group coach can help you communicate more effectively, schedule a call here.