Use Accountability To Achieve More


You’ve got big dreams, right? You want to level up your business and life in a major way. That won’t happen unless you stay accountable. Accountability is your secret weapon for reaching those goals. Here’s what you need to do to stay on track and keep crushing it, no matter what!

What Is Accountability?

Accountability means taking responsibility for your actions and doing what you said you’d do. It’s about owning your progress (or lack of it) and making sure you keep moving forward, even when things get tough.

Think of it like this: You’re the boss of your own life. When you set a goal, you’re making a promise to yourself. Staying accountable means keeping that promise, checking in on your progress, and not letting yourself off the hook when things get hard.

Why Accountability Is The Key To Success

Most people quit when it gets tough. They make excuses, they procrastinate, they let themselves slide—and then they wonder why they’re not winning. If you want to stand out, you’ve got to do what most people won’t: hold yourself accountable.

Accountability is like your personal coach, always making sure you’re doing what you need to do to win. It’s what separates the amateurs from the pros. And it’s not just about feeling good when things go right—it’s about being honest with yourself when things go wrong.

How To Stay Accountable

So, how do you stay accountable? Here are some tips that’ll work for anyone—from the CEO to a 12-year-old with big dreams. Let’s get into it:

  • Set Clear Goals: You can’t hold yourself accountable if you don’t know what you’re aiming for. Write down your goals and be specific! Instead of saying, “I want to get fit,” say, “I want to work out 4 times a week and lose 10 pounds in 2 months.” When your goal is clear, it’s way easier to track your progress.
  • Track Your Progress Daily: You can’t fix what you don’t measure! Make sure you track your progress every day. This could be writing down your workout stats, keeping a journal of your achievements, or using an app that logs your habits. When you see those numbers improving, you’ll stay fired up. And if you’re falling behind? That’s your signal to work harder.
  • Get an Accountability Buddy: Find someone who will push you and keep you honest. This could be a friend, a coach, or a mentor. Tell them your goals, and ask them to check in with you every week. When you know someone else is going to ask, “Did you do what you said you would?”—you’ll think twice before slacking off.
  • Create Consequences and Rewards: Give yourself a reason to stay on track! Set up a reward for when you hit a milestone—like treating yourself to a nice dinner or a fun activity. But also set a consequence if you don’t meet your target—like giving up your weekend TV time. It’s called accountability, not fun-ability! Rewards keep you excited, and consequences keep you focused.
  • Remind Yourself Why You Started: There will be days when you want to skip the work, when you’ll feel tired, or when you’ll want to give up. In those moments, remind yourself why you set that goal in the first place. Keep a note or a picture of your goal where you can see it every day. Let it fire you up when you’re feeling lazy.

No More Excuses, Just Action!

Excuses are the enemy of success. Every time you make an excuse, you’re stepping away from your goal. You’re either working towards your dream or making excuses—there’s no middle ground. If you miss a day, get back on track immediately. Don’t give yourself a chance to get comfortable with slipping up.

If your goal is to write a book and you miss a day of writing, don’t waste time feeling guilty—just pick up the pen and start again. If you want to save money and accidentally overspend, don’t beat yourself up—just adjust your budget and get back to saving. Winners focus on solutions, not excuses!

Accountability = Freedom

It might sound tough, but accountability gives you more freedom. Why? Because when you stay accountable, you’re in control of your future. You’re not leaving things up to chance or hoping for things to magically work out. You’re taking action, tracking your progress, and making sure you get where you want to go.

Imagine how good it’s going to feel when you reach your goals and you know it’s because *you* put in the work and stayed on track. That’s the kind of confidence you can’t buy!

Own Your Success

Staying accountable isn’t just about keeping a promise to yourself—it’s about owning your success. It’s about showing up every single day and doing the work, even when it’s hard. Set your goals, track your progress, get a buddy, and remember why you’re doing this. Keep yourself on track, and you’ll be unstoppable.

No more excuses. No more waiting. Start holding yourself accountable today, and you’ll see how quickly you can reach those goals. Now go out there and make it happen! See how a Modern Observer Group coach can hold you accountability.  Schedule a call here or contact us at the information below. Modern Observer Group programs are based on the Businetiks system as detailed in the book, “The Businetiks Way.”