Customers Are Rarely Right But You Have To Make Them Think They Are

We’ve all heard the axiom, “The customer is always right.” Most of us have experienced the opposite. Customers rarely know exactly what they want and in many cases what they say they want is actually the opposite of what they really want. You can’t tell them that. You have to give them exactly what they want.So what’s the key?


It is important that you communicate clearly with your customer. You have to understand their why. What are their reasons? What do they really want? By understanding their why you can give them what they don’t know they want. When you do this, the customer feels they were right, but you have avoided the problems that come when giving them what they ask for doesn’t accomplish what they want.

It’s a fine line to walk. You can’t appear to be telling them what they want or questioning their decisions. If you can walk that line and deliver what they don’t know they want, you can have a client who will give your referrals and come back time after time. As that happens, you will build an atmosphere of trust that will make working together easier.

To find out how a coach can help you create a better customer experience, contact us here.